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Sluggish Poly Fiber Demand Fabric Price Keeps Steady

Author:     Mar 23, 2011 10:33     

     22nd Mar Commerce Department China·Shengze Silk & Chemical Fiber Index Comment
     On Tuesday, Commerce Department China·Shengze Silk & Chemical Fiber Index, the general index increased 0.02points, closed at 98.52points, of which, chemical fabric index increase 0.03 points, closed at 97.49 points, chemical fiber index closed at 101.28points, dropped 0.12 points.

     Today, passenger flow volume reduced, yet fabric marketing is continued. Today, fabric price in Shengze market keeps steady, and the sales volume keeps its up trend. After a survey from the market, order number is further increased. The best sellers include the normal poly, nylon and cotton fabrics, and new fabrics are also enjoying a good sales volume. Silk typed fabrics for spring & summer apparel also increased its sales volume considerably. See from marketing, the new kind of popular fabric is 20DN/1F*150DP/32S Persia cotton. At the moment, these two kind of new fabrics are quoted at 19.45CNY/m and 11.5CNY/m respectively. They are mainly used for up-grade women’s wear and home textile. According to the notice of the Shengze government, from 30th Sep, 2010 on, the extra looms that are over the capacity of sewage disposal, will be removed forcibly. Under such influence, the operation rate will be greatly affected in the follow-up period.

     See from the point of chemical fiber, at present that the international situation is unstable, cost increase greatly, monetary policy comes into a wait-and-see period, it seems impossible for PTA price decrease. Now, PTA cash take price is 11600CNY/t, and its strike price is between 11500-11550CNY/t.
     On chemical fiber, today, poly fiber price in Shengze market keeps steady. Today, POY150D/144F is quoted at 15800CNY/t, POY75D/72F is quoted at 17100CNY/t, FDY50D/48F is quoted at 19400CNY/t, DTY75D/36F is quoted at 20500CNY/t. Under the influence of PTA spot goods price decrease, PTA/MEG spot goods market is slack. Thus the whole poly fiber market is covered with a heavy wait-and-see mood in spite of the low stock of weaving factories. Spinning manufacturers are suffering from a high stock, still, their operation mode is shipping out the goods, running the amount. It is estimated that poly fiber price will continue is fluctuation adjustments state.
Index Fluctuation Ranking Today

Editor: Candy    From: 168Tex.com

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