Rude and greedy behaviour among jacquard fabric adults is contributing to the epidemic of
gang and knife crime among children according to Sir Alan Steer, the
Government's top behaviour advisor.
On the growing problem of knife crime, Sir Alan said: "It is connected to a
violent sub - culture. But we bear some responsibility. Sometimes as adults we
don't model the behaviour we want our youngsters to follow. Of course the kids
have a huge responsibility, but there are questions about what's going on at
home. Parents have a huge responsibility. Government doesn't bring up children,
parents do."
In my work as a parent coach I help mattress fabric parents become far more aware of the
influence they wield on their children. Whether it is through the words they
use, or the actions they take, parents are a role model for their children
throughout their lives - from toddler to teen - whether they are aware of it,
like it, or even accept it.