Suzhou KAISLEN Decoration Material Co., Ltd.
Suzhou KAISLEN Decoration Material Co., Ltd. Country/Region: China China Add To Favorite
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Baroque (May 15, 2012)


Spring Song (May 15, 2012)

Spring Song

Forest Love (May 15, 2012)

Forest Love

Lolita (May 15, 2012)

Type:Lolita • Size: 53cm × 10.05m• Application: home decoration, luxury villas, hotels, international hotels, such as• quiet, comfortable, natural, environmentally friendly way of life pursued by the Nordic, the Nordic style...

Bright Time (May 15, 2012)

•Type:Bright Time• Size: 53cm × 10.05m• Suitable range: home improvement, luxury hotels, star hotels• "Bright Time" and is full of rich beautiful retro style works. Designer bold use of superposition, washing, and so ...

Cool baby (May 15, 2012)

Useful for children to create wallpaper, both recreation and leisure in one study. Soft colors, so that children peace of mind. Simple modern design to meet the growing needs of children. This series of wallpaper easy to use, in the lovely and ye...